One of the first orders of business in preparation of building is establishing a water source, since water is used extensively in construction. There are various water sources (see infowater) the one used in this house was the hand dug surface well. 5 minutes saved, the story of dirty water! Water Tank Water tanks are good for a number of reasons. They allow the water to be accumulated and stored so that in periods of high usage you don't run out. The water will also have a chance to sit and any impurities can settle out prior to use.
Filtration The filtration system consists of three canisters each holding a different filtration agent; carbon, magnesium and an ionizer.
There are two pumps used, one to pump
water out of the well, through the filtration system and into the
tank, and one to pump water from the tank to the house. Both
pumps are Fujika hiiflow GFS-255.
Valve There is an electric water valve used here (instead of a manual ball float one), which allows the water level to be set. This is one feature I really like, in that with the normal floater valve the pump must turn on after almost every use. With this type of valve the pump doesn't need to be used that often, which allows the water to settle and is easier on the pump itself.
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This page was last updated October 2nd, 2009