On this proto-type 'cool thai house' project I really made an effort to record the full and accurate history of the building of the house. I've come to the conclusion that recording a full history isn't really possible. There is so much detail that goes into it that the number of pictures is at times overwhelming. So for those of you who want the brief tour: this section displays highlights of the building with a shot of the week, giving a summary view of the project. Since I figure the entire project has a life span of about 26 weeks, I am aiming to display about that many pictures here -- give or take.
home | coolshots
home | bathrooms | ceiling | concretepour | electrical | eves | finishedhouse | foundationcolumn | gate |
gutter | hindsight | kitchen | perimeterwall | planterbox | readme | road | roof | shotoftheweek | tile | views | wall | water | windowdoor
This page was last updated October 2nd, 2009