Perimeter Wall
Walls that are built from concrete blocks are durable and sturdy. An added bonus is that they also help hold in the fill dirt. Fill dirt is often on of the most critical aspects of a house, for if the house is constructed 'too low' -- there is no repair after the fact. With this house we did a partial fill at the beginning to level the land. Then the wall was partially completed, and more fill dirt was brought in the raise the land level another 20 or so centimeters.
The important steps in the process, which are illustrated below are: 1.) Post holes are dug every 2.5 meters. 2.) Support rebar structures are hand made by cutting, bending and wiring together cut rebar metal strands. 3.) These support structures are set in a concrete footing in the post hole. 4.) A large can is used to form the cement up to ground level after the base structure is dry. 5.) A strip footing is created, formed using form wood, which is about 10 inches tall and connects the support rebar structures. 6.) The cement blocks are cemented in place in rows. 7.) A form is made so that a concrete post can be poured around the cement blocks and rebar structure. 8.) Stucco is applied and other decorative options, such as affixing red brick blocks around the entry posts.
One other important note is that during the stage when the blocks are being laid, at the end of each row as piece of rebar is extended into the metal framework. This adds strength when the post is poured.
20 files, last one added on Sep 28, 2011 Album viewed 63 times
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The resulting paving stone walkway. (12-Aug-04)dozerSep 28, 2011
The paving stones are set in place.dozerSep 28, 2011
Fine sand is leveled. (31-Jul-04)dozerSep 28, 2011
The front gutter system. (15-Aug-04)dozerSep 28, 2011
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Another shot of the blocks. Note, there is a vertical piece of rebar put in place between the blocks close to the post for every block. This metal piece is used to add strength. It is guage 2 hun full and is about 40 cm long.dozer
Finishing touches applied to the top of the perimeter wall foundation post.dozer
Filtration: A sample of the filtration agent, this being magnesium. Each tank is filled with one mineral filtering agent. (19-Aug-04)
The filtration system consists of three canisters each holding a different filtration agent; carbon, magnesium and an ionizer. dozer
The planter box which runs adjacent to the driveway. Notice the decorative cement finishing trim added on top. (09-Jul-04)dozer
Another view of the back wall. dozer
Supporting rebar structures, which are made by tying metal strands together are placed in the completed post hole. There is a metal base on the bottom of the structure. The metal used on the upright pieces is guage 3 hun full, the square supports are 2 hun full. dozer
The gate and metal fencing in place. (13-Aug-04)dozer
Interconnected gutters. (09-Jul-04)dozer