Category |
Albums |
Files |
| User galleriesThis category contains albums that belong to coolthaihouse users. |
210 |
5,254 |
| Original Coolthaihouse SectionThis is the original content of coolthaihouse that went live on the 20th of April, 2004. The site was created to show information on Dozer's building experiences of building and construction in Thailand. When the house was started there was little or no information on the web other than some foreigners wanting to 'help sort you out'. |
45 |
749 |
37 |
943 |
 | Renovations and MaintenanceFrom Condo renovations to home maintenance. Maintenance is the one thing that is a constant in building, whether it be a house or condo. |
11 |
192 |

| test categorythis is a temp category for testing picture uploads... just ignore it. ... dozer:) |
1 |
3 |

7,141 files in 343 albums and 21 categories with 98 comments viewed 878,159 times |

Last additions |

Passive House Build ProcessMarvel Homes offers a seamless and efficient Passive House Build Process, ensuring a stress-free experience for clients. With their expertise in passive house construction, they follow a meticulous step-by-step approach that delivers exceptional results. From initial consultations and design conceptualization to construction and final handover, Marvel Homes meticulously implements passive design principles and utilizes high-quality materials to create energy-efficient and sustainable homes.marvelhomesJul 16, 2023

New Security Front Door onedayNov 13, 2022

New Wall & Gate LightsonedayNov 13, 2022

New Back Security Back DooronedayNov 13, 2022

Random files |

Door Glass InstallationThe door glass is locked in place. dozer

Friday the 13thScree ding (spelling?) the fresh concretepklongball

Rendering RodThe rendering rod is used to level off the applied aerated block rendering compound after it has had time to set. dozer

Meter install almost finished10 Jan 2009 The meter and valves are encased in cement to prevent tampering and stealingpklongball

12/22/2006 13:10Installing drawers.tcth

Satillite StandThis is the satellite stand used to support the 6' dish. dozer

Connection to Underground WiringThe connection from the meter to the underground wiring via the HDPE underground conduit and a connection cover plate. dozer
