Rerouted Electrical25 viewsSome electrical that ran encased in concrete prior needed to be re-routed. Add one to the reasons over time I don't like encasing anything in concrete. 1 commentsdozer
Concrete Removed24 viewsAll of the old top concrete layer was busted out and removed.dozer
Original Well24 viewsThe stone aggregate (used to line the line the well) footprint was eventually concreted over. dozer
Forming Gutter23 viewsThe gutter will run along the exterior of the wall. Here rebar is placed to form the gutter. dozer
Troweling the Surface22 viewsThe finished surface of the upper level of the pour with concrete all around the well. dozer
Prep Work22 viewsThe top concrete layer had already been removed, here is some of the dirt dug in prep for pouring concrete. Forms are starting to be positioned. dozer
Forming Sealing Layer21 viewsThe forms and rebar are set in place to pour the upper level of concrete. The gutter is poured separately. dozer