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Home > House Construction > Chok Dee #1 > Finishing

Skim Coat ApplicationApplying the skim coat to the archways. The product used for the skim coat is called 'Nature White' which is a white portland cement skim coat product which mixes up using a drill mounted agitator. The product is mixed with natural die pigment to achieve coloration. It can be applied over a smooth surface in a thin layer. dozer
Bathroom nearing completionNote the raised elevation water heater and the decorative glass blocks. The water heater was selected because it is more durable than the adjustable water warmer types, it is a Seimens brand. The warm/cold water is mixed at the faucet. dozer
Attic ViewNote that the electric is in conduit that throughout the project. Also there is a view of one of the exhaust fans.dozer
Front Driveway PourThe front driveway pour. dozer
A/C InstallationThe A/C unit during installation. Note the electrics are not surface mounted (the are in the wall as with other fixtures) and on the outside the main compressor is wall mounted so as not to take up any ground space and minimize the connection distance. This is a 13000 BTU unit which can cool the master bedroom + great room.dozer
Patio Terrazzo TilesThe exterior tiles are leveled so that the water drains outward. They are applied in a diamond pattern with a border similar to the bathroom and kitchen. dozer
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