Last additions - Chok Dee #1 |
Project MovieA short walk through of the finished project.dozerSep 27, 2011
Great Room ViewThe kitchen area and the main room are different shades of paint. There is a composite strip base board used as a skirting. dozerSep 27, 2011
Front WinowThe windows are done in quality white aluminum with frames. The walls are thick due to use of 14 centimeter concrete blocks allowing space on the inside for decorative metal burglar bars. There are 4 exterior lamps on the front powered by 2 way switches (interior exterior). dozerSep 27, 2011
Bedroom A/CAn interior bedroom shot of the large A/C 13000 BTU unit. dozerSep 27, 2011
Random files - Chok Dee #1 |
Frame SpacerThe use of a spacer with metal tie to keep the metal frame off the surface. The spacer is used to keep the rebar metal frame in the middle of the anticipated concrete pour.
CPAC Quality ControlCPAC Quality Control staff take a sample of poured cement for a compressive strength test. They will let it dry for 2 weeks and then remove the concrete sample from the form. It is taken to a testing center where the stated KSC (Kilograms per Square Centimeter) compressive strength specification of the concrete is tested. A report will be generated.
Starting to Dig the Water TankThe underground water tank will be appx. 2 meters long by .7 meters wide by 1 meter deep for a capacity of about 1400 liters. An underground water tank has a durability + no loss of space advantage over a above ground tank. However care must be taken to make sure that they are leak proof.dozer
20 cm. Thick LintelThis shows a finished 20 cm. lintel above the glass blocks.
Great Room ViewFor a small house it seems quite large inside by Thai standards. This is because the normal 4 x 4 column grid isn't used, the truss structure in the roof allows for the elimination of a center column, therefore you have a large wide open space in the entry area.dozer
Horizontal Support BeamA 10 cm horizontal support beam is designated to be poured at a height of 80 cm (4 blocks) off the floor. Each load bearing wall will have 3 horizontal beams (not including lintels), at a height of 80 cm, 210 cm and 300 cm.
A lintel will be poured on top of each section of decorative glass blocks as if they were a window. No load bearing capabilities for the glass blocks are assumed.
Column within the Load Bearing WallPouring a support column within the cinderblock. A support column within the load bearing walls is a concrete column surrounding vertical rebar.