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Horizontal Support BeamA 10 cm horizontal support beam is designated to be poured at a height of 80 cm (4 blocks) off the floor. Each load bearing wall will have 3 horizontal beams (not including lintels), at a height of 80 cm, 210 cm and 300 cm.
dozer (0 votes)
Form Work Horizontal Beam #1This shows the form work for the first horizontal beam, which will poured below the window line (beam height 80cm - 90cm). Note also the plumbing vent exhausts run up in the wall vertically and will exhaust through the ceiling.
dozer (0 votes)
Scale Overlapping RebarThis scale shot shows an overlapped section of the 12mm rebar, which is rising up vertically has the oversize cinder blocks are laid in place. The distance of the overlap is specified at at least 18 cm. Notice how the overlapped sections are cleanly wired together. Notice the open hole is filled with burnt rice husk, which is an excellent and clean insulator.
dozer (0 votes)
Decorative Glass BlocksThe design calls for decorative blocks at several places. Within the bathrooms the blocks are laid in place 2 thick. Each block is 8 cm wide and the rendered wall will be 16 cm - 18 cm wide (the oversize cinder blocks at 16 cm wide). Notice the use of 1 cm wood spacers, which keep the blocks and equal distance apart. Both wood and prefabricated plastic spacers were used.dozer (0 votes)
Tubing Used for Level of Beam #2Thin plastic tubing which is filled with water is used to determine a level horizontal line for the 10 centimeter beam which will run along the entire structure above the window level. The beam will be located between 2.1m - 2.2m from ground level.
dozer (0 votes)
Horizontal Beam #2 being PouredThe second horizontal support beam is being poured at a height of 2.10 meters (above the window line). These beams are tied in with the vertical columns to give horizontal strength to the design.
dozer (0 votes)
Ready Mix Concrete being workedIt takes a team of at least 3 or 4 workers to work the poured concrete into a floor prior to it start to set. Notice this team. One is using the smoothing tool to set the surface, the other is vibrating and the other is moving concrete.
dozer (0 votes)
Concrete FlooringHere the surface has been smoothed and is almost complete. Notice how there is only a very thin layer of moisture on the surface. Water is an enemy of concrete, too much is not a good thing.dozer (0 votes)
Floor just after being pouredThe poured floor. The bathroom will be hand poured later. The floor is appx. 7 cm thick.
dozer (0 votes)
Bathroom FloorThe bathroom floor being rough finished in prep for tiling. This bathroom floor was hand poured due to the 5 cm difference in elevation. Notice the plumbing has been secured in place prior to the pour.
dozer (0 votes)
Use of Metal Scaffolding helps with Plumb LinesReally tall metal scaffolding to be used in conjunction with laying the load bearing walls. Since there are no columns being used, extra attention to detail needs to be paid to laying the block work true. The scaffolding helps in this regard as a plumb line is set up and affixed to the metal scaffolding, which isn't subjected to movement as wood scaffolding would be
dozer (0 votes)
Metal PlumbA 1 kilo metal plumb weight is used to determine the plumb line, which is affixed to the top of the metal scaffolding. The plumb lines will stay in place during the laying of the block walls.
dozer (0 votes)