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Home > House Construction > Chok Dee #1 > Main Structure

Top rated - Main Structure
Render BrushThe brush is used during the render application to sprinkle water on the render as it is starting to dry, then it is polished with a cement trowel.dozer55555
(1 votes)
CPAC Pour of Ground BeamsCPAC ready mix cement pour of ground beams. 280 KSC (kilometers per square centimeter) concrete was used as in the floor. CPAC is better than hand mix for large areas since it is poured as a homogeneous unit.
(1 votes)
Footing HoleA footing hole with metal frame work. Each hole was 1 meter square by about 40 cm. deep. In this design there are only two foundation columns in the patio. Throughout the rest of the house there are footing and then a ground beam on top of the footings. The walls are load bearing with columns inside the wall material itself.
(1 votes)
Ground Beam Rebar FrameThe rebar framework to support the ground beam.
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Interior WallThe start of the interior wall laying process. dozer44444
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Oversize Cinderblock Laying ProceedsThe block laying proceeds on top of the second horizontal beam. Note the vertical vent PVC pipes extend upward through designated holes in the blocks.
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Rebar Frame Work for Beam #3This is the rebar framework which will go in the top horizontal beam, located at a distance of 3 m. - 3.2 m from the floor level.
(2 votes)
Depth IndicatorA depth of render indicator is plastered in place prior to render application. This is used to determine the thickness of the render to be applied. dozer33333
(1 votes)
Glass BlocksThis shot shows glass blocks being installed and the use of plastic spacers at the intersections to keep the blocks equidistant (spacing of 1 cm). dozer33333
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A lintel will be poured on top of each section of decorative glass blocks as if they were a window. No load bearing capabilities for the glass blocks are assumed.
(1 votes)
Front of HouseThe front of the house. Note the window openings each have a vertical rebar column on each side. A 10 cm beam will be poured across the top of the window and door openings at a 2.1 m distance from the floor.
(1 votes)
Concrete Compressive Strength VerificationThis report shows the results of the compressive strength test on the concrete samples taken by the quality control staff. It is a good verification as the quality of the concrete used in the foundation is significant.dozer22222
(2 votes)
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