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21 viewsAnother shot from the back of the house.dozer
21 viewsThe footing of a foundation column. (29-Feb-04)dozer
21 viewsThe roof structure is built using heavy guage steel. The bigger pieces are 4 *2 inches and 1.6 mm thick. The smaller pieces are 1 by 1 inch and 1.6 mm thick. The roof tile will lie on the 1 by 1's, so they must be placed at the proper interval. Notice the cross beam supports which sit on top of the foundation posts. (13-Mar-04)dozer
20 viewsThe house is situated very close to a flying club. Most evenings hobbyists are out flying their engine powered parachute crafts. (05-Jun-04)dozer
20 viewsAnother shot of the tragic 'too low' house. This is the entry after 10 minutes of rain, it is a lake. The developer wants to lower the entire road which would just make everyone have a problem, will be interesting to see how it 'washes out'. Will keep updates posted here.dozer
20 viewsUpdate 16-Aug-04: Had the end of the road blocked off with old coconut stumps. (24-Aug-04)dozer
20 viewsUpdate 02-Sep-04: Here is a puddle further up the road.dozer
20 viewsThis shows the sheetrock roof in the main house area with prep holes for the down lights. (12-May-04)dozer
19 viewsThis is the street shot looking from the cool thai house towards the main entry road. Only thing really to note here is the real ugly aluminum fence on the left which is actually in the main road and prevents the road from being properly shaped.dozer
19 viewsHere the roof is partially tiled. The left shot shows the parking lot and patio. The right shot shows the main roof sections. Notice the aluminum drainage sheeting shown in the valley of the right hand picture: it is not really sufficient and will need to be supplemented later. (22-Mar-04)dozer
18 viewsUpdate 16-Aug-04: The shape of the road is now really bad, as it is U shaped. The water cannot run off, but puddles in some spots in and around the middle of the road.dozer
17 viewsHobbyist flying close to rooftop level. (19-Jun-04)dozer