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Most viewed - Intro
36 viewsView from patio. Note the flower boxes have been completed along with putting paving stones on the pathway.dozer
36 viewsAs stated in the blurb in good building ideas, I like the idea of using double regular block construction. This could also be modified to have one row of red brick in combination with one row of the regular cement block. This would increase building costs little percentage wise, since it would require only a slight increase in labor and inexpensive materials (regular cement block and cement). I would like to try either using this double block construction, or investigate using the heavy cement block as an alternative.dozer
34 views5 houses are in the process of being built. The 'cool thai house' is the last one on the left.dozer
34 viewsA view of the entry room looking towards the kitchen.dozer
34 viewsThe front bedroom.dozer
34 viewsKitchen wall tile. Notice also the cabinet tile. (25-May-04)dozer
34 viewsInadequate flashing in the roof valley led to a lot of fix-up later. As far as the roof, in future projects I'll use a specialty company. (22-Mar-04)dozer
32 viewsThe great room towards the entry door. (06-Jul-04)dozer
32 viewsSmall bathroom shower enclosure and toilet.dozer
32 viewsOn the left you can see the hot and cold water PVC pipes running the length of the back wall. The copper hot water pipe is housed in PVC for durability. The pipes will run under the back walkway, which is being poured in this picture. The back walkway is more than 1 meter wide, and will slant off to the right into a drainage canal to aid in water runoff. (07-Jun-04)dozer
32 viewsThe sink is laid in towards the wall too far. You need to really lean over to wash your face. (06-Jul-04)dozer
32 viewsHere is something you wouldn't (or at least I wouldn't) think of. A toothbrush holder where the holes are too small to hold a toothbrush. (26-Aug-04)dozer
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