June 12138 viewsColumn rendering and the partial counter and cabinet built in the back. This cabinet will house the gas bottles, storage and a shoe rack2 commentspklongball
4 Jan 09 Site visit137 viewsJust another view of the piles of rebar cages trucked in todaypklongball
1st Column raising137 viewsGet ready to lift? Lift!pklongball
Blue Shirt leader137 views5 Jan 09 The bucket brigade is now hard at it with Blue Shirt leading the way. I think he's the supervisor of the pouring job. After he tired of this he went to work mixing concrete.pklongball
21 April137 viewsHere we have a gable now with all the Sherawood applied. The yellow color is the Shera unfinished out of the box color. We will paint it and the trim wood will get finish too.pklongball
June 15137 viewsThe post and rails are in place now for the spokes2 commentspklongball
15 Dec.2008 The beginning136 viewsKhun Apple arrives with a small crew and some lumber for the initial layout and markingpklongball
29 April136 viewsThe sewer drain trench along one side of the land.pklongball
8 May136 viewsHere we can see the living room ceiling and the partially completed sheetrockingpklongball
30 May136 viewsAnd now today we have another project just getting under way. 4 of the dig team (all ladies) are making the foundation holes for the columns for the pump/laundry house.pklongball
June 28136 viewsThe master bath double window. The window guys did a nice clean install.pklongball
Khun Apple measuring the layout135 viewsKhun Apple is just starting the measurement process for the house layout.