June 8168 viewsThis guy stood on this ladder like this for at least 20 minutes trying to snake an electric cable down behind the cabinet to the place where a lite will be locatedpklongball
June 22168 viewsHere we have the 2 pieces of granite for the cabinet tops in the kitchen. Tile man will be doinf the work.pklongball
Overview Front167 views We are almost ready to pour the CPAC concrete floor and end phase one of the build.pklongball
Valentine's Day 2009167 viewsThis is almost noon on Saturday after the finish of the floor pour on Friday. The builder will have someone on site watering down the concrete to keep it drying a little slower pklongball
21 Feb 2009167 viewsThe builder decided we needed the steps built now as opposed to waiting. I agreed as now we will have a way to get from the ground to the floor area without the need for makeshift ladders and stuff.pklongball
23 March 2009167 viewsThe other side of the bed gets a switch and plug in the same box . Most bed lamps only have a 2 bladed plug so I thought a good deal here.pklongball
29 Jan. 2009166 viewsOverview of the site just after the first delivery of floor panels.pklongball
Friday the 13th166 viewsThe reflection off the fresh concrete.pklongball
9 March 2009166 viewsAnd the welding continuespklongball
June 6165 viewsLooking to the wall units for the exhaust hood and oven/microwavepklongball
June 23165 viewsDoor man hanging the bedroom doorpklongball