Window Opening being Squared66 viewsHere the opening is in the process of being squared. dozer
Kitchen Cabinets Formation66 viewsShows the kitchen cabinets which are constructed of red bricks being formed. The walls of the kitchen have been roughed to 1.5 meters to allow for the wall tiles. dozer
Shower Enclosure66 viewsThe shower enclosure showing the blue glass blocks laid in place to be flush with the ceramic tile finish upon completion. dozer
66 viewsThis shows most of the foundation columns as well as the partially finished roof truss. (13-Mar-04)dozer
Christina Shower Enclosure66 viewsThese are measured and cut to order but are not cheap. The stainless think panel glass would not work because a sliding door is needed to conserve space. dozer
how ceiling fans are attached to ceiling66 viewsShastadad