CPAC Compressive Strength Certification70 viewsA portion of the certification that the samples were tested and the corresponding results. The status field indicates 'p'ass or 'f'ail and the stress column indicates the amount of stress the samples withstood. In this case the 280 ksc samples withstood a minimum of 340 ksc prior to failure. dozer
Septics Prior to Walkway Pour70 viewsThis shows the septics prior to the walkway being poured. dozer
Simple Septic70 viewsAnother view of a simple septic system with the waste pipe entering the concrete rings a a sufficient angle to allow flow. All of the septics are vented with the exhaust about the perimeter wall. dozer
Framework for Water Tank70 viewsAnother view of the frame work lattice which sits on top of 6 small footings. The framework is centered to be within the external wall using red bricks a spacers.dozer
Aluminum Door70 viewsThe heavy duty aluminum door being fitted into place. This is a swing type door. dozer