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Top rated - House Construction
A/C Unit InstalledOne A/C unit is fit into place.dozer00000
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A/C Mounting PlateThe A/C mounting plate with the wires run by the original electrician. dozer00000
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Concrete Hole Drill BitThe A/C guy had a nice drill bit to drill through concrete or aerated block. Much nicer than the hammer and chisel approach. dozer00000
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Short One SwitchWe decided later we needed one additional eves light. There is a remote switch for the box so no hard wired switch is needed. dozer00000
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Remote SwitchThe remote switch for the one extra exterior light that we wired in after the fact. dozer00000
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Attic Light SwitchAttic fitted with florescent lighting and surface mounted switch box. dozer00000
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Junction BoxesVarious junction boxes and conduit routing in the attic. Notice that conduit is wired in place so it does not lay on the drywall ceiling. dozer00000
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Recessed Light FixtureA recessed light fixture with wire nut tapeless connections.dozer00000
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Water Tank Electric SwitchAn electric solenoid floater type switch allows the switch to be configured to only turn on once the desired level as been reached. dozer00000
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Main Circuit Box; BticinoThe Bticino circuit box with different size breakers for different electrical components throughout the house. dozer00000
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Working on Circuit Box InstallationThe electrician installing the circuit box.dozer00000
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Floor ElectricThe openings for the floor electric in the study. dozer00000
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