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29 viewsIf you have a problem like this, the water in the storage tank will not be clear, even if it is filtered. Here is a shot of cloudy water in the tank before fixing the well. (06-Jul-04)dozer
29 viewsThe valve is mounted on top of the water tank. The electric is shielded in yellow conduit. (06-Jul-04)dozer
29 viewsFiltration: This filtration system has three units which are made of stainless steel. Each unit runs the raw water through a different filtration agent; carbon, magnesium and an ionizer. (09-Jul-04)dozer
29 viewsOne other thing to note. A well should not be dug within a meter of the house. This shot shows a well within about 40 centimeters from a house and also you can see the gaping holes around the well due to settling. The settling around the well can further cause a lot of problems for the house structure, for example wall and flooring cracks. (28-Jul-04)dozer
29 viewsHere is a shot in the tank after the problem was fixed. Notice how clear the water is now. (19-Aug-04) dozer
28 viewsCompleted rough wall section.dozer
28 viewsCan you see who is coming for dinner? (22-May-04)dozer
28 viewsEntry way to patio. (22-Aug-04)dozer
28 viewsThe house as it looks today. (19-May-04)dozer
28 viewsAfter many problems with dirty well water the problem was finally resolved. There is a large break in the bottom of the well (lower left side), which is seen once all the water is pumped out. The hole needs to be patched so water cannot 'pour' in like this. (12-Jul-04)dozer
28 viewsAs far as the building process, I would try to do better management of materials. If you buy materials too soon, packaging gets damaged, things get misplaced and by the time it gets tried, it is too late for a return. If stuff is not purchased soon enough the workers run out of material and have to stop and wait. On future projects I will organize, stockpile and inventory materials better, and have a process to check at one time in the day for materials needed. For low cost materials I'll use a petty cash system that lets the boss go buy materials when needed. It is amazing how much junk assembles during a building project!dozer
28 viewsOne of the finishing steps of a well is placing small stones around the outside of the well. What the well digger had neglected to mention is that he had put large chunks of blocks around the well instead of small stones. This shows the blocks after being dug out . (12-Jul-04) dozer
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