Most viewed - Original Coolthaihouse Info |
29 viewsIf you have a problem like this, the water in the storage tank will not be clear, even if it is filtered. Here is a shot of cloudy water in the tank before fixing the well. (06-Jul-04)dozer
29 viewsThe valve is mounted on top of the water tank. The electric is shielded in yellow conduit. (06-Jul-04)dozer
29 viewsFiltration: This filtration system has three units which are made of stainless steel. Each unit runs the raw water through a different filtration agent; carbon, magnesium and an ionizer. (09-Jul-04)dozer
29 viewsOne other thing to note. A well should not be dug within a meter of the house. This shot shows a well within about 40 centimeters from a house and also you can see the gaping holes around the well due to settling. The settling around the well can further cause a lot of problems for the house structure, for example wall and flooring cracks. (28-Jul-04)dozer
29 viewsHere is a shot in the tank after the problem was fixed. Notice how clear the water is now. (19-Aug-04) dozer
28 viewsDeep Water Well: A rig at work drilling a deep water well. (03-Apr-04)dozer
28 viewsWhen water is reached a pump is utilized so that digging can continue down another 1 or 2 meters until the water is sufficient to use all year around. (29-May-04)dozer
28 viewsHere is a water tank with no tower, which is how I did it in the cool thai house. The downside to not having a tower is that an extra pump is needed to drive water into the house. (02-Jul-04)dozer
27 viewsMid range expat house. (25-Jun-04)dozer
27 viewsThis shows and application using the heavy cement block. In this example it is being used to construct an underground water tank. (18-May-04)dozer
27 viewsWell Options: This is a pair of homemade water tanks. These are made from circular drainage fittings and cement. (17-Apr-04)dozer
27 viewsAn automatic pump of the type used for hand dug wells, this is a Fujika GF-225 automatic home pump. Good quality pumps run 5000 Baht or more. (19-Apr-04)dozer
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