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House Floorplan40 viewsActually 2 houses under 1 roof with a kitchen/breezeway separating them. N house is a mother-in-law apartment.Colorado

Excavation for footings - 8 Oct 201134 viewsA bit of foundation digging and the 15cm of fertile topsoil has disappeared.Colorado

Floor plan32 viewsActually 2 houses under 1 roof, separated by a covered breezeway/kitchen. N house is to front of property, a mother-in-law apartment... though we'll squeeze in Mom & Dad.Colorado

Land Layout30 viewsOur 1/2 rai. 17-18m by 40-47m. N is up. An early plan. The house was roughly centered N-S later, making front, side and back garden areas. Colorado

First footing excavation - 5 Oct 201130 viewsAbout 15cm of topsoil supported this organic farm, below is all hard packed sand. Smooth digging.Colorado

The Half-Rai organic farm29 viewsJust the bit of farmed ground up to, but not including the big tamarind tree. A bit of a shed there, which fronts the road on the NE corner of the property.Colorado

View of property from NE26 viewsGoes up to the trees, but not into them. We are surrounded by green for now, but sure that will change. So building to have internal gardens to view.Colorado

Lot Layout19 viewsOur 1/2 rai. Upside-down (N is to the bottom). 17-18m by 40-47m. An early plan. The house was roughly centered N-S later, making front, side and back garden areas. Colorado

Lot Layout N-up18 viewsOur 1/2 rai. Right-side-up (until I figure out how to delete the upside-down one). 17-18m by 40-47m. An early plan. The house was roughly centered N-S later, making front, side and back garden areas. Colorado
