3 Feb 2009187 viewsMoving another panel into positionpklongball
26 March 2009187 viewsAnd again some arrows point to another section of raceway and the method to hang it. Some holes are drilled into the steel of the roof and they secure it with big "pop" rivets. This will make his cabling job a breezepklongball
186 viewsView from the stairs, living room. The entire open wall in the front is going to be glass.Glenn
21 March 2009186 viewsWe are looking out the living room window opening.pklongball
23 March 2009186 viewsHere we have a pair of wall boxes. One is for a duplex plug and the other for the TV/Tel cables. They each have a respective conduit running up the wall cavity.pklongball
26 March 2009186 viewsAnother day and more of the roof tile is completed. Almost finished nowpklongball
1 April186 viewsKitchen wall electrical. Boxes for the plugs of the various appliances and direct wire for the oven and the utility plugs.pklongball