CPAC Compressive Strength CertificationA portion of the certification that the samples were tested and the corresponding results. The status field indicates 'p'ass or 'f'ail and the stress column indicates the amount of stress the samples withstood. In this case the 280 ksc samples withstood a minimum of 340 ksc prior to failure. dozer
Floor + Ground Beam PourThe concrete being poured also has a water proofer as a double protective factor to ensure the damp course. The ground beams and floor is being poured. The floor pour is 10 - 12 centimeters. dozer
Slump TestHere is the slump test being performed by a CPAC QA engineer. If the slump is 12 to 14 centimeters the concrete is dryish, 15-17 the concrete is normal and 18 + the concrete is watery. Although 12 to 14 is a bit harder to work it is a stronger and more desirable product to be used in the flooring and ground beam. Workers often prefer 18 + as it is easier to work, without regard to the strength characteristics of the concrete. dozer
Floor LevelThe ultimate target floor level is indicated by the prepoured concrete cone in the middle of the picture. Once the CPAC is poured this provides a reference for the leveling process. Note that the finished poured floor is not exactly level, the ultimate leveling occurs during the laying of the ceramic floor tiles. dozer
Concrete being AppliedThe concrete is delivered from the truck to the desired spot via our 30 centimeter PVC half pieces. This works better than other delivery systems and avoids extra cost required for special equipment. dozer
Vibrator avoids Voids in the ConcreteA vibrator is necessary to avoid voids in the final product. When the vibrator is applied to the concrete you will see the area around the vibration compact and sink quickly. dozer
Freshly Poured FloorThe poured and leveled floor. dozer
Rough Surface ApplicationThe surface is roughed after drying slightly in preparation for tile application. dozer
Roughed SurfaceHere is a roughed surface. A bamboo broom or a handful of wire (the same wire used to tie the rebar together) is used to rough the surface.dozer
Spacers in Preparation for Column PourSpacers are applied to the outside of the column frame so that the frame will remain centered within the form wood during the pour. dozer
External True LineAn external true line is used to indicate the target external edge of the to be poured columns. This line should square up the same as the initial check did. dozer
Column Form WorkThe form wood utilized is two sizes, 10 inch and 8 inch to create a column size approximated 8 inches square (which is 20 centimeters). You often see them nowadays going with 15 centimeter columns with minimized rebar (on other projects) which just doesn't have the durability, leads to structural cracking and worse.dozer
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