Moderators: MGV12, BKKBILL, Sometimewoodworker
I just tested the registration to another alternate testing email. THE ACTIVATION email was received but immediately went into the 'spam' folder. PLEASE be advised when registering that more than likely the ACTIVATION EMAIL will go to SPAM. You will need to retrieve it from your email spam folder to activate your account.
Re: Registration EMAIL CHECK SPAM
I would just like to reiterate that it is basically impossible for the error to be on the coolthaihouse side. This is because if the registration system works for one registrant it would be working for all registrants. Notably depending on a number of factors the activation email probably is going into the spam folder on the receivers system. This is something I may be able to look at at some point, but for the time being the receiver must check their spam folder knowing that the coolthaihouse system is in fact sending out the activation emails as it should.