your house recorded here

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your house recorded here

Post by dozer »

I've started a new forum category 'Members' Forum Area' for those adventurous souls who would like to share progress on their project as they go. Along with wanting to possibly find more volunteers for this forum category, I would be interested in anyone who would like to do a blog (web log) ( is an example of my blog) on your project. Query me here or PM me if interested in either option!
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Posting my project

Post by Nara »

Hi Dozer, My name is Steve, Nara is actually my wife, I thought she would get a kick out of seeing her name in print. Anyhow We're getting ready to start a project. We purchased 56 Rai out side of Cha-Am. I've got some construction experience, mostly military and dated about 20 years ago, but am intending to take on this project rather than hire it out. I have a couple of reasons, one is money, I believe that I can do it cheaper than without a middle man' and second I really want to have a good finished product. I'm not so sure you are guaranteed that when you hire someone else to run the project. Anyhow we have bought the property run water and power, built a road and cleaned up some brush piles and had the weeds cut out of the cashew orchard dug a couple of ponds for fish and used the dirt to build a construction pad. We are now ready to have plans drawn up. We have sketched and played with different ideas. We've settled on some pretty basic designs and the whole project doesn't seem that complicated but I'm still a little confused about materials and building practices in the LOS. I've read almost everything posted avidly and have learned a bunch. I've got some pictures of the basic work we've done and have posted them on my picture site albums in AOL but I'm currently on a thing called an air card and uploading pictures takes forever. On occaision I go to Starbucks and use their Hi speed wireless connection.
I've said all that to say this. If you would like me to post this stuff as I go and give some kind of report I would be willing to try. But I'd like a little more guidance as to what I need to do. Thanx Steve
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Post by dozer »

Hi Steve:

I agree with you that you will save money and get a better result the more of an active role you have in the project. Sounds like you are going about it the right way, bringing your experience in and trying to relate and learn about how things work here. You'll be relying on some good and not so good craftsman, so the trick is having an idea of the flow of things before you get started.

Yes, very interested in having you post your project, would be most excellent. There are two things I've got going, one is the forum category I'll start now, called Nara's Project and I'm in the process of experimenting with a user blog tool which I'll be bringing on line soon, as I evaluate interest.

Thanks and I'm excited about your contribution here.

Thaifu T
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Post by Thaifu T »

obviously I am involved with the members forum area and will continue to post topics as and when I have something which I hope is of interest. If you decide to change and use the 'blog' area I would still like to be an active participant.

Cheers, Alan
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Posts: 2011
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Post by dozer »

That is good to know. I am looking at a tool to support the multi blogging feature, it can be done with Wordpress (which is freeware that I am using now) but not really. The other tool I'm looking at requires a bit of cash outlay, but seems to address the area very elegantly! I like trying out new things on the site, so it is nice to hear of interest to infact proceed!
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