happy builder

 Coolthaihouse Photo Gallery

Construction Photos
Last comments - geordie
1 commentspklongball01/03/10 at 07:53geordie: all that water never grew at all maybe next build ...
June 15This shot is the master bath sit down bench we had built. Came out rather nice and will be a nice spot to enjoy some shower room fun2 commentspklongball06/15/09 at 23:23geordie: a great inovation 10/10 Very Happy
ChasingThe electricians started today chasing the walls for the electrical conduits. Although this is a low budget build, we're still using relatively good quality fittings, and concealed wiring. I've tried many times to teach the men to cut the channels with an angle grinder and just knock out the the stuff in the middle, but to no avail. Still using a hammer and a bent nail. Back home in France I have a special two-bladed power tool attachment for doing this.1 commentsjazzman02/17/09 at 10:13geordie: hate to say this he is destroying an s d s drill b...
Day 5Had some unusual rain in Isaan for 2 days so the time was spent painting the rest of the steel in the shed, getting a truck load of dirt delivered, and bending more braces.
The ground beams are poured and the roof steel half finished. I still never fathomed out why they have to use a platform to load the mixer. Notice the plastic bags round my expensive steel scaffolding to protect it from cement (a lesson learned from previous jobs).
1 commentsjazzman02/07/09 at 16:02geordie: they will still get the tower Wink
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